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Boris Johnson is endangering the UK's constitutional system of checks and balances

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 22nd Apr 2022

I’m writing this column in my office in Westminster listening to the debate on whether to refer the Prime Minister to the Committee of Privileges to consider whether his recent conduct over the partygate saga amounts to a contempt of the Parliament. By the time you read this we will know the outcome. It does rather look like the Tories are deserting a sinking ship and so it will be passed. They’ve already dropped the amendment they had designed to try and kick the can down the road. 

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Boris Johnson shows why it’s crucial our politicians respect rule of law

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 15th Apr 2022

It’s been another week of Tories thumbing their nose at the rule of law and getting away with it. Of course, the big news was the fines imposed on the PM and the Chancellor of the Exchequer for breaking their own lockdown laws. The right thing to do would be for them to resign. Particularly as the PM misled parliament with repeated assurances that no rules had been broken. If this was deliberate - and how could it not be – then the ministerial code of conduct states he must resign. But, of course, he won’t.  

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Saying Scotland could do better if it had independence just isn’t enough

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 01st Apr 2022

If you watched PMQs this week you will have seen several of my SNP colleagues ask very pertinent questions. Carol Monaghan on why Westminster is punishing Scotland’s renewable sector with exorbitant grid connection charges, Chris Stephens on why the UK Government has cut food waste funding to zero, and Patricia Gibson on the Tories abandonment of their manifesto promise on the triple lock on pensions.

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The local election campaign must focus on local issues

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 25th Mar 2022

It’s been a frenetic week in the phoney war over indyref2. Several storms caused by ill-advised analogies with the situation in Ukraine, another tedious Broontervention and at least one attempt to breathe life into the local government elections by suggesting that they are about winning the case for independence. Newsflash – they are not.

I have a few requests for my SNP colleagues and indeed the wider independence movement.

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Is Holyrood living up to the principles it was founded on?

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 18th Mar 2022

Whether or not indyref2 happens next year – and readers should appreciate that I am completely out of the loop on the plans– our parliamentary democracy is due an overhaul. It’s easy to criticise Westminster but there are problems closer to home. This is not just my view but the view of Prof James Mitchell, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and a seasoned commentator on the Scottish political scene. 

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