So much has been thrown under the bus to achieve one Tory aim
- First published in : Visit Website
- First published on: 30th Dec 2020
Yesterday’s debate in parliament was a historic event and the SNP were right to take a full part in it and to vote against the bill designed to implement Boris Johnson’s deal into domestic law.
It wasn’t hard for us to reach the unanimous decision that we would vote against the bill. Scotland’s Government and its representatives were cut out of the negotiations that led to the deal implemented by the bill and therefore, unsurprisingly, our country’s interests are not served by it. The bill grants sweeping powers to the British Government without proper parliamentary scrutiny and threatens to make yet further inroads into devolved competences. Our heads would need to zip up the back for us to agree to own this mess. Even the Scottish Labour party can see that, apart from the ignominious Ian Murray.