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Privacy Statement

Personal data

Under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) personal data is defined as:

"any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person".

How we use your information

This privacy statement tells you how we, Joanna Cherry MP’s office, will collect and use your personal data for undertaking the legitimate work of an MP.

Collection and storage of Personal Data

To allow us to support you, we require to collect certain personal data so that we can correspond with you and assist you fully. We will ensure that the information collected is necessary and proportionate and does not go beyond what is needed to provide you with a full service.

Retention of Data

Joanna Cherry MP’s office will process personal data for as long as required to help a constituent unless a request for information to be deleted has been received.

Personal data will be stored for 5 years from the last contact with the constituent.

i. for as long as required to help a constituent (unless the data subject requests that their information is deleted)

Personal data will be stored for 5 years or for as long as Joanna Cherry is an MP (whichever is shorter). When Joanna Cherry QC MP ceases to be a member of parliament all personal data will be deleted.

Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties 

In the course of acting on your behalf, we may be required to share your data with local authorities, government agencies, public bodies, health trusts, regulators, etc to assist us in resolving the issues you have raised with our office. We will endeavour to keep you informed as to who we share this information with. These organisations are also required to keep your details secure and dispose of them when they are no longer required.

Use of Personal Data

Joanna Cherry MP’s office will process (collect, store and use) the information you provide in a manner compatible with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will only use the data provided by you for the reason it was given. We will not keep it for longer than is necessary.

Contact from Joanna Cherry QC MPs office

We will only contact you in the course of acting on your behalf to keep you up to date on your case and obtain only necessary information from you to allow us to act fully in your interests. We will not use your data to contact you for any other purposes without your consent.

Access to personal data held by Joanna Cherry MP’s office

You are entitled to request details of the personal data held by our office and how it has been processed. You will require to provide identification for the release of this information. One of the following will be acceptable:

• Passport

• driving licence

• birth certificate

• utility bill (from last 3 months)