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Here's why I couldn't support gender reform bill

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 23rd Dec 2022

ON Wednesday I joined feminists protesting against the Gender Recognition Reform Bill outside Holyrood and addressed the rally. I did so to support SNP MSP colleagues who share my deep reservations about the system of self-identification proposed in the bill. I also wanted to show my support for all the brave women and men who have dared to express their heartfelt, rational and genuine concerns about the unintended consequences of this legislation for the rights of women, girls and LGB people.

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Listening to those we don’t agree with helps us to tackle their views

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 09th Dec 2022

In the midst of another busy week at Westminster I found time to listen to best-selling Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Reith lecture on Freedom of Speech. The lecture series is inspired by President Franklin D Roosevelt’s 1941 speech in which he extolled Four Freedoms; Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Fear and Freedom from Want. The last of the 4 lectures will be given by Darren McGarvey, author of Poverty Safari and will definitely be worth a listen.

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UK Supreme Court indyref2 ruling is a legal one - not political

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 18th Nov 2022

And so, the UK Supreme Court has settled the disputed issue of whether our devolved parliament has the competence to hold an independence referendum, without the agreement of Westminster. In doing so they have answered a legal question not a political one. The political question remains – if Scottish voters continue to elect a majority of MSPs and MPs who support a second independence referendum, what is the democratic route to realising that mandate?

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The UK Government must not pass the buck on drowning refugees

  • First published in : Visit Website
  • First published on: 18th Nov 2022

I make no apology for writing about asylum seekers for the third week in a row.  They really are amongst the most marginalised and disadvantaged groups in our society, and, if Suella Braverman has her way, their situation will only get worse.  But this week brought to light some truly horrifying information about the circumstances surrounding multiple deaths by drowning in the English Channel almost a year ago and I am shocked, but not, I am afraid, surprised, that it has not had more coverage.

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