Tragedy in the Channel must change the UK's attitude to refugees
- First published in : Visit Website
- First published on: 26th Nov 2021
The tragic loss of life in the channel this week came as shock, despite its inevitability. But this tragedy was avoidable, and it is therefore imperative that the disaster heralds a change in approach from the UK Government. We need to give people a way to claim asylum in the UK without having to risk their lives. As the charity Care for Calais argued eloquently on Radio Scotland yesterday, the people smugglers are a symptom not the cause of the problem. The underlying issue is that you cannot claim asylum in the UK until you are here and that is why people will risk their lives to get into the country.
Yes, there are resettlement schemes available, but they apply only to a tiny percentage of the world’s refugees. Less than 1%. Routes to family reunion are also wholly inadequate. We need more safe legal routes. The Government's current strategy of pretending that the cross-channel route can be made "unviable" while spending millions of pounds displacing the crossings further up the coast has succeeded only in making journeys riskier with more deaths resulting. Meanwhile the conditions in which those waiting to cross are living in Calais are horrendous, no food, no shelter and no sanitation.