Politics is not on hold – we must keep independence in sight
- First published in : Visit Website
- First published on: 24th Jul 2020
A week has passed since the UK Government published its white paper on the UK Internal Market and commentators are largely united in agreeing that it poses a significant threat to the current devolved settlement.
The Tories proposals will cement the dominance of England in our unequal union through neutering devolution and putting the Westminster parliament firmly back in the driving seat in a range of policy areas which were devolved in 1998. Under the Scotland Act all powers except those expressly reserved are devolved. Brexit is not delivering new powers to Scotland. Within the EU Holyrood was bound by EU law in its exercise of devolved powers but in practice the EU afforded Holyrood quite a bit of discretion. Under the new arrangements the Tories propose to significantly curtail that discretion. If that’s not a power grab, then I don’t know what is.